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A quiz show “The best learner of Ukraine”
16.02.2016, 13:55

A quiz show

“The best learner of Ukraine”

Мета виховного заходу:

Сприяти формуванню громадянина - патріота України, підготовленого до

життя, з високою національною свідомістю. Виховувати громадян, які здатні

побудувати громадянське суспільство, в основу якого були б закладені та

постійно втілювалися демократія, толерантність та повага до прав людини.

Прищеплювати учням почуття патріотизм у, у сучасному розумінні – це

відчуття того, що в моєму класі, школі, місті, країні на планеті Земля все мене стосується, все залежить від мене.

Обладнання: Державні символи України, вишитий рушник, презентація Power Point.

Вчитель: Good morning! I am glad to see you at our quiz show “The best learner of Ukraine”. Two teams will  take part in our game. So let introduce your teams.(introducing)

Now I want to introduce the judges of this competition.

We have 6 categories which are connected with Ukraine. They are:


You task is one by one choose the category and do different tasks. The winner is the team which will get more points. Let’s start the quiz show.

Geographical position

Choose the right answer

  1. Ukraine is situated in …………. Part of Europe.
  1. Western
  2. Eastern
  3. Northern
  4. Southern
  1. Ukraine is washed by ………….
  1. Black Sea, Azov Sea
  2. Mediterian Sea
  3. Pacific Ocean
  4. Atlantic Ocean
  1. Which country is not our bord
  1. Slavakia
  2. Belarus
  3. Hungary
  4. Lithuania
  1. The major part of Ukraine is :
  1. Flat
  2. With mountains
  3. Flat and mountains
  4. Different

Listen now to our expert about geographical position of Ukraine (presentation “Ukraine”).


Match season and the kind of weather

Spring                                          mild, snowy, cold, without severe frosts

Autumn                                      dry, hot, bright, sunny

Winter                                         foggy, rainy, windy

Summer                                       warm, sunny


Guess the name of the holiday you know only its attributes.


1………………………………….. eggs, going to church, cook holiday supper. (Easter)

2……………………………………Father Frost, New Year Tree, presents, champagne. (New Year)

3……………………………………...singing carols, visiting parents. (Christmas)

4……………………………………. love postcards, sweethearts, kisses. (St. Valentine’s Day)

Listen to the carol

             Sing we all merrily

             Christmas is here,

             The day we love best

             Of all days in the year 

                       Sing we all merrily

                       Draw round the fire,

                       Sister and brother

                       Grandson and sire

Ukrainian famous people

Match name and sphere in which this person is famous

Andriy Shevchenko                                  box

Vasyl Virastuk                                           figure skating

Brothers Klychko                                      football

Kateryna Serebrianska                              wrestling

Ruslan Goncharov                                     gymnastic

Olga Sumska                                              dancer

Natalia Mogylevska                                  actress

Vlad Yama                                                  singer





Choose the right answer

  1. How many years our country is independent
  1. 20
  2. 25
  3. 24
  4. 18
  1. When are we celebrated Constitution Day
  1. 24th August
  2. 28th  June
  3. 20th January
  4. 26th July
  1. Ukraine lived many years under the rude of
  1. Hungary
  2. China
  3. Poland
  4. Belarus
  1. When was Ukrainian Republic
  1. 1990-1991
  2. 1932-1933
  3. 1917-1918
  4. 1903-1904

And now we will tell you the legend how God presented the peoples

with gifts and gave Ukraine a song.


На фоні музики звучить голос автора:

  • 1.- Once the Lord of the world decided to present peoples of the planet

with talents.

Frenchmen have chosen a beauty and elegance,

Germans – order and discipline,

Russians – power, Poles – the ability to trade,

Italians – talent for music.

Ведучий 2.

Having given presents to all,

God saw a beautiful girl in an embroidered shirt and said

- God: Who are you? Why are you crying?

Miss Ukraine: I’m Ukraine and I’m crying because my land is suffering

from blood and fire, slavery and injustice.

- God: Why haven’t you come earlier? I’ve already given all talents.

How can I help you? Well, I’ll give you an immortal treasure –

which will make you famous all over the world. I will give you the song.

Miss Ukraine: Thanks a lot, dear Lord. I’ll bring this song and spread it among all   the Ukrainians.


Guess the city or town or village

  1. Kyiv  






  1. Odessa 






  1. Kozatske                                                   P6180171.JPG


  1. Lviv                                                                 


(for every right answer the team gets 1 point)

Teacher: Dear children and guests our show  is coming to the end. . It’s time to summarize our points and know who is the winner. (підбиття підсумків)We’ve spoken and thought about the most precious things in our life. Things that can unite people all over the world. Things that can change our planet and make it better.

So let’s unite our efforts and build a happy home for everyone in our native land Ukraine. Love our country, be proud of it, be patriots.

Song “Happy New Year”










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